Friday, March 27, 2009


Meet Britain's most spoiled teenager; listen to his own narcissism and marvel at the psychosis of the mother that feeds it.

'I'm buying him a new, customised Vauxhall Corsa,' she says, 'and I've promised him a shopping trip to New York afterwards. I'm also going to build a log cabin next to our house. It will be good for him to have somewhere private to hang out.'

'It's a shame he's already bored of his Clio,' admits Suzanne, 'but he loves polishing it. And it wasn't a waste of money because it gave him the freedom to get out of the house - even if it was just to sit in it on the driveway with his friends.'

'During a usual trip, I will spend about £400. But some weeks I can easily go through £1,500 on designer clothes for him. Fashion is very important to him and he has excellent taste.

'He also adores beautiful jewellery such as his diamond earring. And like any proud mum, I love to see him look good.'

Jordan says: 'Because of the life my mum's given me, I can't see my destiny as a carpenter (he dropped out of school and is taking a carpentry class at a local college). I've had a taste of fame and I liked it. It was great fun being the centre of attention.'

'I am lucky,' he admits, 'because whatever I ask for, Mum buys for me. But although people often think that because of all the money, I'll be big headed, they find me very down-to-earth.'

'If she can't afford it one month, I say don't worry, you can buy it next month,' he says, with some magnificent generosity.

'Buying stuff for me makes Mum happy - if I'm happy, she's happy. And I do pay her back by helping her out sometimes in her furniture business.'

'Jordan has star potential and needs to be noticed by the right people,' she says bluntly.

'He's already used to living the lifestyle and has a fan base. People love him, especially local girls, who already ask him for his autograph.'

'I even tell him: "Don't bring home some posh girl who's been born with a silver spoon in her mouth - find a nice girl from a poor home who I can spoil as much as I spoil you, who I can make happy with my spending."

Those are just some of the quotes from the boy and his mother. Read the article to learn a few more details and see a couple of pictures. It's truly sick.


  1. 'I tell him that sometimes I've had to sell six sofas to earn enough to take him shopping that week, so he does understand that to earn money you must work hard. He's never ungrateful and we only ever argue if Jordan is rude to me.

    'For example, he says "shut up" if he's on the phone. Then I say to him, "you'll be out on your own with just a bag if you speak to me like that."'

    These people are totally in another world. She gives him anything his little heart desires, but doesn't care that he's dropped out of school. She doesn't care if he succeeds on his own - even though she says she wants him to be a "star" - she knows that it's highly unlikely. Anyway, that doesn't sound like love to me.

    Not trying to be an amateur Dr. Phil or anything, but it doesn't take a genius to see that she's ensuring that he stays under her thumb. He's still a kid and already telling him who he can marry and who he can't. It might sound all noble for her to tell him to "rescue" some poor girl so she can spoil her. My gosh, we're talking about another human being...not some animal shelter mutt.

    I wonder if she's ever thought about what would happen if her fortune suddenly dried up? What if she isn't able to lavish so many goodies on the other two?

  2. pseudotsuga10:24 PM

    Hmmmm...I wonder if she'd like to adopt an older American child?

  3. Pyschosis indeed, although I see parents who think nothing of buying their children a new Hummer for a Sweet Sixteen. That's kind of slowed down with the economy, but they certainly have the right to spend money how they want. That she does so for such an unappreciative ingrate of a son, is a puzzle. You truly can't buy love. And looking at the photos reminds me of my Mom's warning about people who have more money than sense.

  4. Insane.

    But then again - I dare say I'm happier in the long run, growing up with parents who would say stuff like, "You want a walkman? Okay, here's a list of chores you can do and what we will pay you for them. You can earn the money for one." (And they didn't pay that WELL, either...I think in the mid 80s I was making $3 for mowing their nearly acre-sized yard - using a regular mower, not a lawn tractor).

    I fear that the kid in this story is going to crash and burn sometime in his late teen years and even his loving mum won't be able to bail him out.

    (And what a nightmare it would be to wind up working alongside someone with that attitude...or wind up married to them.)

  5. The hurl factor is off the charts with this one.
