Monday, February 23, 2009

Who Will Give This Speech Today?

What I wouldn't give to have a Republican such as this one, whose moral clarity and understanding are so obvious. What I wouldn't give to have someone like this to vote for now.

Listen to what he says about the appeasement of enemies. Do you remember all those who said that our involvement in the Middle East will "inflame the Arab Street", whatever the heck that means, and that we should try to understand why they're so angry at us? Do you remember those who said that we cannot win in Iraq or Afghanistan? Do you remember who said that the insurgents in Iraq were modern Minutemen, and they would win?

There is a time for diplomacy, and a time for war. Diplomacy should not mean appeasing our enemies, and President Reagan understood that. Diplomacy should be an attempt to get what we want short of war. You cannot appease a dictator, or those who act like dictators.

At the end of this clip Reagan mentions the role of government, and our duty as Americans. These beliefs, ladies and gentlemen, encapsulate what it means to be a conservative.


  1. Anonymous1:45 AM

    In your reality Reagan opposed dictators?

  2. And in yours, perfection is required?

    He was far better than most. His moral clarity was significantly better than yours is, Donalbain.

  3. Anonymous10:10 AM

    So, when you said "You cannot appease a dictator, or those who act like dictators." You must have meant "You cannot appease a dictator, or those who act like dictators, except when it suits you."

    Is that about right?

    Reagan had no position on dictatorship. He had a position on the Soviet Union. There is a difference.

  4. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Of course Reagan had a position on dictators: he was categorically and fundamentally opposed to dictatorship in all it's forms. What would lead you to think anything else?

  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    No. Why don't you address what I said. Which was that Reagan DID appease dictators. As for him freeing those under communism.. well, thats a fascinating interpretation.

  6. I'd rather not address what you said, Donalbain. Sometimes it's extremely difficult to take what you say seriously, this being one of those times.

  7. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Okay Donalbain. As the link you provided doesn't work, please tell us specifically which dictators Reagan appeased.

  8. Anonymous9:40 AM

    allen: Well, what leads me to think otherwise is the fact that he supported a number of dictators. That is kind of a clue that he was not "categorically and fundamentally opposed to dictatorship in all it's forms".

    And darren, fair enough. If you cantactually deal with facts and evidence, then feel free to rant away.

  9. I'm sure you'd have cheered loudly if Reagan had gone after any of those.

    How'd he do against Ortega, Khadaffi, Breshnev, Khomeini, Honnecker, et. al.?

  10. Anonymous1:35 AM

    OK.. this is nonsense now. You are just saying what I would have thought, or what I would say. That makes conversation pointless. The idea of a conversation is to respond to what the other person SAYS, not what you imagine them saying. If you are going to imagine my part of the discussion, there is no point in me contributing further. Have a nice day.
