Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wal*Mart--Still Helping The Poor and Middle Class After All These Years

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Wal*Mart has done more to alleviate the effects of poverty than any government program ever has. From low prices to $4 prescriptions to attempts to put medical clinics in their stores, Wal*Mart allows consumers to stretch their dollars seemingly to the snapping point. So what's next? Well, it's tax season, so...

The Wal-Mart Foundation yesterday announced a $3.6 million grant to provide free tax prepararion services for taxpayers earning less than $56,000 per year through Mobile Tax Center vans which will be set up in various Wal-Mart parking lots for two to three weeks at a time between February 10 and April 11. Wal-Mart is partnering with the United Way and One Economy Corporation to offer this service.

But Wal*Mart is still an evil, greedy corporation, right, lefties?


  1. Until Walmart is willing to allow unions to run the show and until they turn over the bulk of their profits to the union coffers, Walmart will continue to be labeled as a sweatshop.

  2. Anonymous7:02 AM

    As a charter member of the VRWC (and former Wal-Mart associate, notice, not employee) I was listening to Rush yesterday and he had a great article on a NY Post reporter who went undercover at his Wal-Mart. Really good read.

  3. The hostility to Wal-Mart is usually framed in terms of labor issues, but that's not what it's mostly really about. It's about aesthetics, which for many "progressives" is a substitute for ethics.
