Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Porkulus Rex

There's a lot of pork to chop in the so-called stimulus package. My favorite is this:

$88 million for the Coast Guard to design a new polar icebreaker (arctic ship).

With global warming, we won't need that ship at all. Cut it!

Anyway, I'm glad to see the Republicans again trying to be the party of fiscal responsibility and limited. Too bad they're about 8 years too late.

Update, 2/5/09: According to the Congressional Budget Office, this package will do more harm in the long-term than would doing nothing.


  1. Anonymous3:37 PM

    "Anyway, I'm glad to see the Republicans again trying to be the party of fiscal responsibility and limited. Too bad they're about 8 years too late."

    A cynic, like me, would wonder if their primary objection is that the pork is going to fund the *other* team's projects.

    I just don't believe that the Republicans have a significant fiscal conservative wing anymore. As a group, they seem to be populists.

    This is unfortunate, as it means there isn't much point in me voting for most candidates from either major party.

    -Mark Roulo

  2. You haven't been paying attention.
    It's Global Climate Change now.
    And it will never go away as long as Big Al can sell Carbon offsets.

  3. Didn't you hear? Extreme cold is caused by AGW. So there could be way more ice, but the Earth is still doomed!

  4. Eight years late. Ain't that the truth.

  5. Tonight, dark, followed by increasing light. To be repeated daily. Alert the media.
