Sunday, February 15, 2009

Oil Down, Gas Up

I blame President Obama!

Crude oil prices have fallen to new lows for this year. So you'd think gas prices would sink right along with them.

Not so.

On Thursday, for example, crude oil closed just under $34 a barrel, its lowest point for 2009. But the national average price of a gallon of gas rose to $1.95 on the same day, its peak for the year. On Friday gas went a penny higher...

"Drivers are being ripped off even more now than before," said Stuart Pollok, who was filling up recently at a Chevron station in downtown Los Angeles. He pointed out Exxon Mobil Corp. reeled in billions in profits last year when oil prices neared $150.

Others see the conspiracy reaching higher.

"It got really low during the elections and now it's going back up," said Christel Sayegh, a 23-year-old graphic designer in Los Angeles. "They do that every election, though, right?"

Conspiracy? With Chicago politicians running the executive branch? Never!

(You know what? This "blaming the President for everything" business is easy--and great fun! I can see why the lefties did it for the last 8 years. I think I'll enjoy it for awhile.)


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Hysterical! "Blaming the president for everything is easy..." I love it.

  2. Yes, it's on his watch, it's his Congress and their federal taxes, so it's his problem.

  3. President Obama doesn't care about us - he and the Dems in Congress are in cahoots with Big Oil! We want lower gas prices!
