Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No Twinkie For You, You Socialist!

It's oh so gratifying to watch lefties, especially unionized lefties, get bitten by the rules they so happily impose upon others. Let's read about it straight from the Education Intelligence Agency:

Teachers testified before the state House Education Committee “seeking changes to a 2007 law restricting the sale of soda, fruit juices and high-calorie snack foods in schools. It turns out that the law, intended to combat an obesity epidemic among Oregon’s children, had the unintended consequence of pulling the plug on vending machines inside teacher lounges.”

Laurie Wimmer Whelan, lobbyist for the Oregon Education Association, said “whether a teacher wants to buy a bag of peanuts or a cookie shouldn’t be a legislative issue.”

Welcome to the Nanny State you helped create, OEA.
My favorite lines in the article linked at EIA were these:
Doreen Powers, who teaches fourth grade at Butternut Creek Elementary School in the Hillsboro district, said the law treats teachers like children.

"We are adults," she said. "We have rights."

Not when you give them up to a government who knows better than you do, honey. It's for your own good.

This is a poster child for socialism.


  1. Anonymous3:13 PM

    A pictorial response worth a thousand words (or posts):


  2. Here's another one.

    You can find it in the May 2005 archives of this blog; click the archive link at the left and scroll down until you get to May 27th in order to see the context of this picture.

  3. "Butternut" Creek Elementary School...seven-layer, 150th state birthday cake decorated with chocolate beavers

    How apropos!!

  4. This brings up an interesting question. Many areas have passed laws making schools firearms free zones, so what happens when a policeman responding to a call carries his firearm onto the campus? Many will respond that the law doesn't apply to law enforcement, but unless the law is written to exclude certain groups, such as law enforcement, the police are required to follow the law. It would be interesting to look at all the laws regarding this and see how many actually offer exceptions for police.

  5. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Damn, that was funny! People are going to take to smuggling HoHo's in their underwear.

  6. There's also another side effect. The soda and candy machines at our school created funding for lots of extra programs and scholarships. Now that they are locked away in a room where students can only use them before and after school, the prom tickets are double in price, PTSA scholarship matching is down and many of the "lesser" school programs such as ACDec and chess club are scrambling just to come up with money for activities. But on the bright side, we now have a bunch of newly minted capitalists who are buying energy drinks and sodas at Big Lots and selling them for almost total profit. I wonder what will happen if the government gets a whiff of their income making schemes.

  7. Thanks for making my day with this post!

  8. I do what I can :-)
