Monday, January 12, 2009

So, Whatever Happened To...

Remember all those hysteric cries from the lefties, especially the young ones? Remember the war with Iran that the President was planning, or perhaps even the revival of the draft? Whatever happened to those?

Perhaps once word leaked out and the lefties shrieked, President Bush was forced to shelve those ideas. Yes, that must be it.


  1. Those will be launched January 20th at 11:30am, duh.

  2. Anonymous4:54 PM

    This post is being considered for The Sacramento Bee's roundup of regional blogs, which appears in Forum, the Sunday commentary section.

    The Blog Watch column is limited to about 800 words. Blog posts included in the column are often trimmed to fit. The blog's main address will appear in The Bee, and the online copy of the article will contain links to the actual blog post.

    If you have questions (or you DON'T want your blog post considered for inclusion in the newspaper column), contact me at

    Gary Reed
    Forum Editor

  3. Rangel has been pushing for the draft as a means of getting the military out of the Middle East. Imagine his chagrin if the Congress called his bluff. In one fell swoop, unemployment is down, the military is at full strength and anchorless young males are off the streets. Gosh, when you put it like that, why not do it? And Rangel would get voted out to boot!

  4. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Whatever happened to the war with Iran? Whatever happened to the war in *Iraq*???

    I think the left used the word "quagmire" so many times that they knocked the edges off of it. Now you hardly hear a word about Iraq.

    How many people remember Cindy Sheehan and when she was taken seriously?
