Thursday, January 01, 2009

Proposed Summer Trip

With the exception of this past summer, where my son and I went to different places, I take my son on a week-long trip each summer. This summer I thought I'd extend that week a bit and really take a good old fashioned driving vacation.

And as I started plotting what seemed like a cool itinerary, something interesting stood out. See if you can find it.

We'd start here in Sacramento and head east on Interstate 80. As I recall it's about 10 hrs to Salt Lake City. From Salt Lake we'd head north to Yellowstone, and then continue north to Calgary (stopping to take a picture at a sign in Vulcan, Alberta). In Calgary we'd pick up the Trans Canada Highway west to Vancouver, and from there, home.

What's very interesting about this trip? I'll give you a hint: we'll pass through 4 locations all of interest for the same reason.

Got it yet? If not, here are some clues: 1960, 1988, 2002, and 2010.

If you haven't figured it out yet, here's the answer:

We'll get to visit 4 Olympic Winter Games locations: Squaw Valley (1960), Salt Lake City (2002), Calgary, AB (1988), and Vancouver, BC (2010).

Of course this itinerary is still very malleable, but it sounds to me like a very interesting initial plan.


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    If you can manage it, take a visit to Victoria, BC. Take the ferry over there. It'd be a good overnight, and then take a second ferry back to the USA. If you want, you can come down US highway 101 on the west side of the Olympic mountains.

  2. Victoria is one of my 3 favorite non-US cities, right up there with Heidelberg and London.

  3. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Never been there, but taking a week(or so ) to spend with your youngster is s great idea!
