Thursday, December 18, 2008

Teachers Know Better Than Parents How To Make The World A Better Place

What else could explain this view that children should pester their parents into performing societally-approved acts of eco-love?

I agree with this closing statement:

In previous times the practice of mobilizing children to police their parents’ behavior was confined to totalitarian societies. Authorities who attempted to harness youngsters’ simplistic views of good and evil are reminiscent of Orwell’s Big Brother. But who needs Big Brother when the then-prime minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, can assert that “on climate change, it is parents who should listen to their children”?

Again, this should not be the role of schools.


  1. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Since indoctrination is part of the reason for existence of all public education institutions it just comes down to deciding who's going to do the indoctrinating and what the approved viewpoint is going to be.

    At one time or another every group that sees the securing of their political future in the molding of young minds has taken a shot at the public education system and probably continues to do so.

  2. See here:

  3. the practice of mobilizing children to police their parents’ behavior was confined to totalitarian societies.

    And we are making a very real movement towards a totalitarian society although lefties, eco-nuts, etc will vehemently deny it.
