Monday, December 29, 2008

If You Wondered Why Blogging Was Non-existent Today...

...wonder no more. I went skiing at Boreal.

click on the pictures to enlarge

This view is of the central lifts, right in front of the lodge.

From the top looking west, towards home. Somewhere down there is I-80.

From the top looking south, towards other ski resorts. Donner, Sugar Bowl, and Soda Springs are all out here somewhere. The lift at the bottom of the picture is the "back side" of Boreal; it's only been open once when I've been there.

From the top, looking north across I-80 to Castle Peak.

Clouds move over Castle Peak.

Conditions were marginal--some powder, a little bit of ice. Most of the people stayed on the central runs and lifts; I hung out on the west runs, even going on a lift that's never before been running when I've been there. Far fewer people over there. Sometimes it was like I had an entire run to myself. Many times I skied right up to the next chair and hopped on.

On one ride up I rode with a high school senior from Long Beach. He made a comment that I never thought I'd hear someone from his generation say. I paraphrase:

I wish I could get away from these snowboarders. They just sit in the middle of the runs! I'd like to have a mountain for skiers only.

How many times have I had the same thoughts?


  1. You mean they haven't outlawed traditional Ski's yet?
    Great picture of all of the 'posers, I mean Snowboarders scoochin down the mountain on their butts.
    Snowboardin' looks like a lot of fun, and I might be inclined to try it if I didn't think of it as the ultimate peer pressure sport.
    Luckily pushing 50 gives me a pass.
    Beautiful skies.
    I skied Boreal once, a long time ago. I just remember the temperature was 15°F.

  2. Another thing that kid told me that I myself have said before:

    I tried snowboarding once, but couldn't deal with having my feet locked into place on a board. How do you move?

    I tried it, didn't like it, that's the end of it.

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I went skiing at Squaw Valley on Sunday! It was below freezing so although there were moguls, the snow stayed relatively ice-free and fun. My dad works there on some weekends (it's where my parents met, actually) so the ridiculous $80 tickets are free for me. I like Squaw because it doesn't have as many snowboarders as other resorts. They really do all sit down and block the runs! There are a lot less advanced snowboarders than beginners, too, so I stick to steep stuff where there usually aren't boarders.

  4. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I am highly amused... we probably were fairly near each other this weekend at some point on the road!

    We were in Oakland visiting husband's mother... then drove (through Truckee) to Minden to visit husband's father & family.

    We probably won't do any skiing until tomorrow or so though. Hope you had fun with your snow!

  5. Cameron, you should take *me* some time! (But I can't go above blue trails).

  6. Many snowboarders are the same skater punks with whom I have had to deal on many an occasion.

    You figure, the implements are very similar, hence, so is the culture.

  7. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I was at Bear Valley today. And I cant agree more with the senior, I cant stand some of the boarders. (despite the fact that my mom boards) As for the mountain resort without snowboarders, try Vail, they have some places for skiers only.

  8. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Greetings from Kitzbühel, Austria.
    Happy New Year and good teaching!

  9. Carson, I'll just hop on the Learjet to Vail this afternoon! :-)

    And to Anonymous, greetings back at you! I skied in Kaprun one summer, what a beautiful place.

  10. "I skied in Kaprun one summer"
    I bet you didn't ski there in the Summer. :-)

  11. Yes, I did! And the next summer I skied in the Italian Alps.

    I recall that some women skied in bikinis so as to get a tan!

  12. I didn't think that the snow lasted that long in the Alps.
    I never heard of Kaprun, so I had to look it up.
    I guess their latitude is similar to Toronto, Canada, so it takes longer for the snow to melt.
    Interesting that the town Kaprun payed homage to the Marshall Plan when building their Power plants.
