Saturday, November 22, 2008

Porn Star on the Playground

I always laugh, then sigh, when I read stories like this. Why, exactly, should this woman be fired? Because she used to be a porn star? That's not a good enough reason for me, and apparently it's not a good enough reason under New Jersey law, either.

Some parents in Vineland, N.J., as well as the board of education president, want Louisa C. Tuck fired, but district officials were advised by their lawyers and those from the New Jersey School Board Association they have no legal grounds to terminate the 32-year-old from her $5,772-a-year part-time job as an aide in the lunchroom and playground, The Daily Journal reported.

"We have no real legal stance or legal right to do anything for two reasons — one, it's not illegal, and two, it's not on school time," Superintendent Charles Ottinger told the newspaper.

Tuck, who went by the name of Crystal Gunns when she starred in adult movies, performances and photos, told the newspaper it's been five years since she was involved in the adult entertainment industry. She now also works with children at the local YMCA.


  1. And who was the genius that recognized her former celebrity status? Was that connection ever explained?

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    they never are ellen

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    You missed the item where she appeared on the Jenny Jones show. Any self-respecting mother of young children can watch Jenny Jones without tainting their reputation. One of them must have recognized Crystal/Louisa from that show.
    Yeah, that must be it.

  4. Whats wrong with that? it was her past job. what is the right term for that? discrimination?
