Monday, November 03, 2008

Not A Class Act

It's hard to believe people could treat each other this way. Seriously. Grown adults.

Beth Ekre, a middle school teacher from Fargo, was named the state Teacher of the Year at the North Dakota Education Association Instructional Conference. She addressed the attendees and, along with the three other finalists, headed over to the NDEA reception to be held in their honor, which was titled “A Celebration of Excellence.”

But teaching excellence apparently wasn’t quite enough for the brain-dead officers of the North Dakota Education Association. They barred Ekre from attending the reception because she’s not a union member.


1 comment:

  1. So sad. Those dinners mean a lot to the teacher and their family members. My sil to be was teacher of the year in her district and the dinner meant so much to my brother. What a shame.
