Thursday, November 06, 2008

Good News and Bad News

The good news is that a West Point classmate of mine has been elected to represent Kentucky's 2nd District in Congress--and he's a Republican!

The bad news is that I'm old enough to have a classmate in Congress.


  1. Com'mon Darren, you KNOW your US Constitution.....a citizen must be all of 25 years of age to be duly elected as a member of the US House of Representitives.....DUDE, THAT ain't old.

    But hey ! You got an ear in Congress now !

  2. Anonymous6:02 AM


    Seeing that he's a Republican I can assume he actually had a job before he turned to the dark side and ran for office. Just curious, what did he do beside the Army?

    Also, I second the notion you ain't old...if only for the fact I got you by a couple of months.

  3. Polski, Congress isn't known for all the 25-yr-olds running around the Capitol!

    Mike, I don't know what he's done in the interim.

  4. I'll sympathize when you have a President who's younger than you are. Cough, cough.

  5. Does this mean that I can call you old now?

  6. Mine is worse. I have a former high school classmate who is a federal judge in Houston. A liberal nutjob federal judge. But then I also have a former high school classmate who is pastor of First Baptist in Dallas who is currently being picketed for preaching the following sermon: "Gay is not O.K." which I find pretty funny because in high school we all thought he was gay....

  7. Anonymous8:08 AM


    The true definition of old is when your classmates have children who have already graduated from our Alma Mater.

    I'm old. You soon will be.
