Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Reality of Paying For College

Teenagers, think the current economy doesn't affect you at all? Let's talk college.

An increasing number of college-bound students who had favored private colleges are applying to public institutions in California and across the nation this fall as the faltering economy shrinks family savings and makes loans harder to find, experts say.

Many parents and children who might not have considered state schools, where tuition is typically a fraction of private schools, are re-evaluating their college options, college counselors say.

Something to consider.

1 comment:

  1. A my kids, who never considered private college because of the cost, will be outpriced. We make too much according to the government to get aid. We can't afford it on our own. The rich can get it with no problem. The poor can get it with no problem. Instead of the teeming uneducated lower classes that are raging in Europe, Obama may have to deal with a resentful and angry middle class who will see doors closed to them in order to provide for his constituency. Wait for the midterms.
