Friday, October 10, 2008

Food Shortages In Cuba

One comment entertained me:

Good point about Michael Moore. Maybe somebody should do a documentary and dissect the timeline.

No food shortage.
Michael Moore visits.
Food shortage.

Food shortages. Score another victory for the workers' paradise with the great health care system and full literacy!


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I wonder if "Sicko" was available for public viewing in Cuba?

    The average Cuban would probably be pleased to know that the medical care they don't have access to is available to wealthy - by their standards - Americans if it serves the propaganda needs of the state.

  2. You might want to read some of the links on a post I've got regarding the economy and economic terrorism. It seems that there are folks all over the world who are looking at this meltdown as a little more than just an economic downturn.

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    This is a little confusing.

    The Breitbart story doesn't have any comments so I don't know where the quote comes from.

    Also Ellen, blog address?

  4. There's a link for comments at the top of the story. I just checked and there are 16.

  5. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Well past 16 now.

    Reading this article I'm reminded of a couple of stories from not that long ago about food shortages in Venezuela.

    As Chavez has tightened his grip on the agriculture sector the supply of local-grown foodstuffs has dried up. Yet the Venezuelan economy is (was?) in pretty good shape so imports were still flowing in. It created the paradoxical situation of stores without staples like eggs, bread, milk and meat but with expensive Scotch, chocolates and caviar.

    As you'd expect from a good, little socialist, when the failures of socialism become unignorable they become the excuse for the imposition of more socialism.

    And mentioning ol' Hugo, I wonder how his regime will fare with the price of oil in free-fall?

  6. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Ask and ye shall receive:

    "As production falls, the sales to the US become more important," said Pietro Donatello, an oil analyst from Latin Petroleum in the capital, Caracas. "Only the US is paying the full amount for Venezuelan oil and in cash, the rest are in some kind of barter agreements."


    "The state oil company, PDVSA, produced 3.2 million barrels per day in 1998, the year before Mr Chavez won the presidency. After a decade of rising corruption and inefficiency, daily output has now fallen to 2.4 million barrels, according to OPEC figures."
