Sunday, October 19, 2008

Crocodile Tears From The Press

Via Instapundit:

KURTZ: Mark Halperin, we learned this morning that Barack Obama in the month of September raised $150 million, the early estimates had been about $100 million. They always kind of leak a lower figure so they can exceed it.

If a Republican had not taken public financing and had raised all that money, and the Democrat was struggling financially, wouldn't we see a lot of stories about one candidate essentially trying to buy the election?

HALPERIN: We would. We'd also see a lot of stories about his going back on his word saying that he would accept the public money and would reach out to Senator McCain to try to work out a deal. So I think this is a case of a clear, unambiguous double standard, and any reporter who doesn't ask themselves, why is that, why would it be different if it's a Republican? I think is doing themselves and our profession and our democracy a disservice.

Really? Ya think?


  1. "So I think this is a case of a clear, unambiguous double standard, and any reporter who doesn't ask themselves, why is that, why would it be different if it's a Republican? I think is doing themselves and our profession and our democracy a disservice..."
    So what is this, a gallows confession? Suddenly they are aware that they checked their objectivity at the door? Maybe at some level they realize that should an Obama presidency prove to be an abject failure that many Americans will blame the press for deceiving them. Looking at the drop in newspaper circulation, it's looks like many people already do.

  2. Anonymous8:55 AM

    If only we could apply campaign funding to the national debt. The friends of Obama could keep hosting dinners for $30,000 a plate. Obama could show up and schmooze, and after a few months we'd have a few gazillion dollars to pay off China, find new energy sources, and fund healthcare for all. Oh, but wait, Obama already wants to do that, he just wants all the taxpayers to come to the party.
