Monday, September 22, 2008

CTA Threatening California Democrats?

CTA unionistas may be liberal zealots and rabid partisans, but they're not politically stupid. What to make of this?

The high command of the California Teachers Association is holding an emergency meeting Monday to craft new political strategies that may include a ballot initiative and a freeze on spending for Democrats. The action follows the passage of the tardy 2008-09 state budget that provided public schools with some $3 billion less than had been sought...

But Capitol sources said the CTA, angered at the budget supported by Democrats, are now considering support for Proposition 11 (the November ballot initiative that would create an independent commission to draw the district boundaries of legislative and Board of Equalization Districts). The group also is considering a referendum on the March ballot that would block corporate tax cuts and shift the money to schools and a freeze on CTA's candidate spending for the November election, which could dry up a reliable source of Democrats' campaign funds and have a major impact on candidates' coffers. (boldface mine--Darren)

They want to flex a little muscle and show the legislators who's boss, but CTA isn't going to bite its own nose to spite its face. This is really just a game of chicken.

We'll see who blinks first.

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