Wednesday, September 10, 2008

College Must Be Getting Very Expensive

From FoxNews:

A 22-year-old college grad looking to pay off her student loans will auction off her virginity at Nevada's infamous Moonlight Bunny Ranch, Us magazine reported.

The Sacramento State grad, who uses the pseudonym "Natalie Dylan," told "The Insider" she is "ready for the controversy."

"I don't think auctioning my virginity will solve all my problems, but it will create some financial stability," she said, according to the magazine.

Sacramento State isn't very expensive, thereby adding to the ignominy she's bringing upon herself.


  1. Eeeeeeewwww...what about Federal Student Loans? The interest rate is pretty reasonable!

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    do we know how much she wants and when the auction is taking place?

  3. Anonymous7:46 AM

    she's got a is very expensive these days

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    And not everyone gets approved for the federal loans......i wasnt.

  5. Hells bells! She must be really broke. I wonder if she has properly looked at all other avenues before opting for such drastice action. Or maybe she has already been with loads of guys and just needs the cash.

  6. Anonymous6:53 PM

    now that i think about it.....wouldnt that be considered prostitution? and hence would be illegal?

  7. It appears she's doing it at one of the legalized "ranches" in Nevada, where it *is* legal in some counties.

  8. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Damn. And all I got was a bladder infection. shoulda held out.

  9. Anonymous6:13 AM

    If you care about free markets, you shouldn't have to think twice about this one.

    Why on earth should it be illegal to charge for an activity that would be legal if it were free?

    And how is taking someone out to dinner and then having sex with them any different, except for the fact that you're full?

    The young lady has an asset that she wishes to sell. Let her do so, and judge not. If you do, I hope you won't be selling your house for more than you paid for it, because it's exactly the same concept.

    Just less fun.


  10. Anonymous6:15 AM


    It's legal in ALL counties in Nevada save the three that house Las Vegas, Reno,and Carson City. Or so I hear.


  11. I don't suggest that what she's doing is or should be illegal, just very base in our culture.

    And as I understand Nevada law, prostitution is legal in those counties that do not have population centers of 50,000 or more--in other words, everywhere but the counties containing the three cities you mentioned. :-)

  12. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The population rule is how hy exclude prostitution from the big 3.

    And what's wrong with coarse? You can find the same thing on craigslist; it's just not as public.

    Plus, if she's a virgin, I'm the Pope, and I'd also like to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.

