Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Back To School Night

I'm going to admit what so many teachers won't--I don't like Back To School Night.

Oh, the idea is all right. And I enjoy meeting the parents, and they seem to enjoy putting faces to the names on their child's schedule. In that regard it's not drudgery.

And I like having school get out at 12:30 today. Tea Club met at a local tea house after school today and we had the nicest time.

So what's not to like? Going back to school at night, that's what! Night is my time. I don't get to spend the evening with my son, and by the time I get home it'll be at least 9:30 and I'll be ready for bed. When I get to school tomorrow morning it'll feel like I just left. I'm not recharged the morning after Back To School Night, I don't feel 100%.

And that is the worst part of Back To School Night.


  1. I don't have to go to a "back to school night" to know who my kids' teachers are. Both teachers have my work and cell numbers and my class and work schedule. My daughter's teacher introduced me to her student teacher as "one of our most supportive parents". My response was "Of course I'm supportive, they're my kids."

  2. I explain to the parents how *I'm* a parent, too; how it's *my* class but *their* children; and how I'm here to help *them* ensure their children are successful. That seems to be a winning message, and it has the advantage of being true.

  3. My kids' teachers also love me because I don't give them crap candy for Valentine's Day....I give the teachers home-made cheesecakes. I also volunteer to help with holiday parties.

  4. I agree with your back to school night dislike. I usually sit in my classroom and meet about 10 parents and call it a night. I sit until 7:30 and go home. Short night.

  5. How about this one--teach until 2:45, leave at 3:15 (required to stay after for 1/2 hour for students); return at 6:30 to get a parking space; stay till 9:15; next day full schedule. Do I feel my age the day after? You betcha.

  6. We get so few parents that it's really almost a required work night. I would love to say that I will have every parent show up, but for whatever reason, we get very few.

    BTW, your "Tea Club" sounds strangely like the "Finer Things Club" on "The Office".

  7. Absolutely AMEN to this post!!!

  8. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Back to school night seems so fake to me. Everyone is smiling just a little too much. It's always a relief when it's over.

  9. Like the poster above, we, too, didn't get early release for parent night last Wednesday, so for me it was: leave work just after 3; half hour drive home; cook, serve, clean up dinner; try in vain to make self look unfrazzled; half hour drive back; in the classroom from 6-8; half hour drive home. Teachers were saying, "See you in a few hours," grimly, on the way out.

    Then grades are due this coming Tuesday and the following week--another late night for parent teacher conferences! Yay.
