Sunday, August 10, 2008

We Thank God For Men Like This

While on vacation I had heard that a helicopter carrying firefighters had crashed here in California, and as we all know, people generally don't survive helicopter crashes.

This time, though, 4 of 13 did.

"I feel like God has his hand wrapped around me," said Brown, who suffered second-degree burns to his face, in addition to numerous facial fractures. "I feel like I lost my brothers, but they're in a better place now."

"I love my job," Brown added. "And I will be a firefighter."

He's 20. A fellow survivor was only 18.


  1. I read your blog every chance I get. I went to college with one of the downed firefighters. He was a good man that loved God and loved his wife.

  2. One of my son's cousins was supposed to be on that helicopter. He's only 21, and a great person.
