Sunday, August 24, 2008

NEA Members: Is This Where You Want Your Dues Money To Be Spent?

I wouldn't want my money spent this way, which is why I'm not an NEA member. Of course, they still spend part of my extorted dues money/agency fee on this crap anyway.

DENVER, Aug 23, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The National Education Association will play a key role in getting Sen. Barack Obama elected the next president of the United States. NEA's $50 million election campaign strategy....


  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Yes, that's exactly where I want my money to go.

  2. If only we had *voluntary* associations, so I wouldn't have to complain about my money being extorted from me and given to political causes with which I disagree.

  3. Anonymous1:42 PM

    This is exactly WHY I am a Fee Payer...Obama is the worst candidate that teachers could endorse. As a conservative, I get tired of seeing my money spent on socialist libs, but with the President and former President of the NEA, living the homosexual lifestyle, it's no wonder they are pushing for Obama. The NEA wants all public school children to embrace the homosexual lifestyle, and all teachers to teach tolerance of it...and not just tolerance, but acceptance.
    I refuse to teach the homosexual curriculum which the NEA is pushing, and which the CTA is attempting to validate in our schools, beginning in Pre-School.
    I refuse to support same-sex marriage. The CTA/NEA left conservative teachers behind - beginning in 1980.
    The Unions will not force me to teach any socialistic or liberal theory or doctrine, including global warming, evolution, or homosexual advocacy.
    So come on Reg Weaver - Bite Me!

  4. I strongly believe that the teachers' unions should not be involved in politics at all. I also think there should be no such thing as a full time union employee.

  5. Ok, I just posted this on my blog and gave you a hat tip. Thank you for the link.
