Monday, August 04, 2008

Monday's Pics of the Day

click on the pictures to enlarge
Wal*Mart es numero uno!

This picture from downtown Cancun just screams "Mexico" to me.

My hotel is on Pok-ta-pok, a small spit of land in the Laguna de Nichupte. This is a view east, across the Laguna Bojorquez, to the main part of the Zona Hotelera (Hotel Zone).

Here is a similar view across the lagoon at night.

1 comment:

  1. Love your Mexican snaps (especially Wally World!) & love the fact that you're still blogging while on vay-cay! BTW, I'm doing something this week that might tickle your funnybone. Please drop by when you have the time. I've got an Asbury Park contest going, which is kinda fun! Bruce Springsteen, and good prizes, too! :)
