Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Homosexual Hypocrisy

I have nothing to add to this LA Times piece, except that I could not agree more with the last 5 paragraphs. I like the whole thing, actually, but the ending is right on target.

The comments afterward are frightening in their anger and their justification for intolerance. As Instapundit, on whose site I first learned about this opinion piece, said, "Is it just me, or does it seem that the people who are the most demanding of tolerance tend to be those least likely to display it themselves?"


  1. For most of the left "diversity" is a code word for "it has to be how I/we want it." No compromise, no tolerance.

  2. Anonymous11:38 PM

    In the Spirit of Diversity, this post is being featured at www.FightPC.net in the "Edugaytion" section. FightPC.net is dedicated to exposing the ills of political correctness. Feel free to talk about and your promote your blog at www.fightpc.net
    Here's the registration link

  3. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Check out the author:

    "James Kirchick is an assistant editor of the New Republic."

    The New Republic. Not exactly of boiling hot bed of right wing orthodoxy.

  4. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Yes, I agree that tolerance of diversity is a two (or more) way street. However, I have to agree with Michelangelo Signorile's advice. If you don't agree with a company's political standpoint (or business plan or marketing campaign or customer service), boycott the company. That is not a temper tantrum. That is leveraging one's power as a consumer.

    Seems like that's what the socially conservative right does to a company whenever one begins to hint at the possibility of maybe including a mention of ambiguous sexuality in a yet-to-be-determined ad campaign.

    Like I said, two-way street.

  5. What you view as "leveraging" your power as a consumer, I view as punishing someone who dared leave the gay plantation.

    Is politics to encompass everything now? Must I check to see if the Walton family donates to Democrats (they do) before I decide where to go to buy some milk tonight? Must I boycott certain movies?

    What about a movie like Saving Private Ryan, a great movie with a great theme but made by and with lefties? How do we resolve such dilemmas?

    For the most part, I'm against boycotts. If companies go out of their way to tout their political leanings--a la Ben and Jerry's--well, that's one thing. They're trying to score political points (and dollars) with their politics, and that can justifiably bring a backlash. But to start combing through records to see if anyone's not toeing the party line? That seems like too much to me.
