Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Entitlement Complex at School

Cheerleaders' uniforms show too much bod during the school day:
Parents of cheerleaders at an Ohio high school are frustrated with administrators for uniforms they say come up short in the classroom...

"The skirts that the cheerleaders wear are very short, and they're very tight and they're slit so they can do the gymnastics that are required of a cheerleader," (Superintendent) Lolli told

You can agree or disagree about a dress code, but if you're going to have one, I say it should be enforced.

Some people, though, seem to have an entitlement complex. These are the parents that teachers can't stand:

"My daughter is a senior, this is her last year," Daniel told the station. "We paid for uniforms and they should be able to wear them on game day."

Yes, because it's all about you and your daughter.

I have more to say, but this is a family blog.


  1. Why don't they have all of the cheerleaders coordinate and wear school colored leg warmers on game day? The skirt/leg warmers combo seems to be popular these days anyways... not that it looks good.

  2. Leg warmers don't look good? You *so* would not have made it in the early 80s.

  3. Now wait. I don't want to come off as a libertine, but they're cheerleaders' outfits, ferchrissakes. When weren't they, uh, revealing? And if the school didn't like them, then why did they let them order them?

    Isn't "revealing" the whole frigging point of cheerleaders' outfits in the first place?

  4. This is close to where I live. Cry babies is all I can say.

    My son's high school has the same rule and no one says a word. The cheerleaders wear school warm-ups on game day.

  5. I have been very vocal in my opposition to the belly baring tops and short skirts that cheerleaders wear as "uniforms" to school on game days. Any other girl would be turned in for dress code violations for wearing similar attire. It's distracting and it creates a whole slew of problems in class. Our school finally told cheerleaders to wear their windsuits during the day and reserve the "uniforms" for the games. I have similar issues with the volleyball girls that show up in class with their shortshorts from practice. It simply isn't acceptable.

  6. Now wait. I don't want to come off as a libertine, but they're cheerleaders' outfits, ferchrissakes. When weren't they, uh, revealing? And if the school didn't like them, then why did they let them order them?

    I can see both sides of this argument. Obviously the skirts are too short, but at the same time these parents have paid literally thousands of dollars to get their kids on cheer. I would have to ask the same question, why are they ordering school clothes if they don't even meet dress code requirements?

    And why is it ok to where those clothes at pep rallies and games? Does the dress stop at the door?

  7. Maybe parents should start attending meetings and ask why their children are dressed in revealing attire. And while they are at it, they may want to consider whether some of the dance moves are more at home in say a gentleman's club than a high school. I am not a prude, my daughter's a dance major and I have seen some pretty extreme stuff. But the bumping and grinding that goes on during pep rallies under the guise of entertainment is really in quite questionable taste.

  8. I don't think it's questionable at all. It's definitely beyond the pale.
