Monday, July 14, 2008

Why We Need A Part-Time Legislature In California

If the legislature were in session only a few months out of the year, perhaps they wouldn't spend any time on idiocy like this:

Legislation to ban restaurants and bakeries from using trans fats in food production was approved Monday by California lawmakers.

Assembly Bill 97 now goes to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has not announced whether he will sign or veto it.

Just curious, do we have a state budget yet?


  1. Dumb Cali-nannies....

  2. We do have a part-time legislature...none of that kind of nonsense here yet. They're too busy banning smoking from everywhere even though studies have shown that bars in Lincoln lost tons of money after the city banned smoking. Oh and they're busy coming up with new inventive ways to tax us too. Nebraska-the tax me state!

  3. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Is there any other job that you can have a 30% approval rating from your employer(s) and not get fired?
    Well, besides a tenured teacher...

  4. When I have a 30% approval rate from my employer, I'll let you know about that whole not-getting-fired thing.

  5. Anonymous11:35 PM

    How did this sneak in? Argh! He probably won't veto it, because he's not a real conservative. Blah. Trans fat is yummy and there's basically no proof there's anything bad about it.

  6. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Sorry Darren, no offense meant. I am also a teacher. I was just making a statement about the difficulty of firing bad tenured teachers.

    Here are some examples of nominees for the "Ten Worst Union-Protected Teachers":

  7. Budget? You have a twisted sense of priorities!

  8. We have a half time legislature and frankly, that's too much. I would rather have no legislature and have local provincial sheriffs that held court like the Sheriff of Nottingham. We'd get better results that way. By the way, how much do you think the Congress believes they are golden while they have a 9% approval rating?

  9. We can complain all we want, but unfortunately we elected them (not me) so I guess if we want change we have to let the idiots who voted for them just how bad they are screwing up.
