Friday, July 25, 2008

"This Is Your Captain Speaking"

My pilot friend has passed on some more pictures.

He called this "Mushroom cloud over Chicago." Not very PC, but very descriptive.

Leaving LAX for COS (which, incidentally, is one of my favorite cities--Darren).

Half Dome, Yosemite National Park.

Half Dome and Nevada Falls.

Half Dome, Vernal and Nevada Falls

A non-traditional view, looking down Yosemite Valley. Half Dome is the high point near the center of the picture. This was taken from 16,000', and you can clearly see the smoke from the recent wildfires from across California.

Traditional view of Yosemite Valley. Tuolumne Meadows in at the top left, and Mono Lake is barely visible at the top right.

Tuolumne Meadows.

A distant view of Monument Valley.

The Grand Canyon.

Lost Wages, Nevada. I have a 6MB copy of this picture, and zooming in on it you can see the hotels on The Strip. Still, the heat and dust combine to obscure the vibrant colors, and this picture looks much, much more drab than does reality.

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