Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Purity of the Olympics

BEIJING (Reuters) - Some International Olympic Committee officials cut a deal to let China block sensitive websites despite promises of unrestricted access, a senior IOC official admitted on Wednesday...

China had committed to providing media with the same freedom to report on the Games as they enjoyed at previous Olympics, but journalists have this week complained of finding access to sites deemed sensitive to its communist leadership blocked...

Beijing organizers said censorship would not stop journalists doing their jobs in reporting the Games.

What more can I add, except that this is a great example of a government knowing best what you need.


  1. The IOC should hold China to its promises and the agreed upon conditions. Maybe threaten a halt to the games?

  2. What a surprise. It seems that international journalists can't access some of the websites normally used for conveying free speech. China "assured" the IOC that things would be peachy keen, which is why they got the Olympics in the first place. The political pandering to China was obvious. Now the air is unbreathable, the weather is iffy and stories can't get placed on a timely basis. What do you want to bet that they are editing stories for the international journalists.
