Friday, July 04, 2008

Double Stupidity

A University of Minnesota student has been charged with trying to sell his presidential vote on eBay. To compound matters, he doesn't seem to know much about correct English: “You’re (sic) country depends on You!”

Have a happy 4th of July.


  1. So much for the youth vote.

  2. Does this qualify as irony? Please see my post for today, & tune in Sunday for an extremely silly competition! Have a Festive Fourth!

  3. I suggest that the Campus Republicans sponsor big keg parties the night before election. The lightweights on both sides will be too hung over to think and that will allow informed voters a chance to express educated views. Just a thought!

  4. I probably should not say anything because I have been guilty of making mistakes with them through carelessness, but some of the commenters at Fox do about as well with homophones as the student did on his Ebay auction. I mean really, waist his time? Line there pockets? Unfortunately, the rest of that commenter's screed is as intelligent and informed as his use of homophones.
