Thursday, July 03, 2008

Did Anyone Think To Ask If The Trees Like These Parasites?

The Berkeley tree sitters are still at it. And it's not like I haven't written about them before, around a half a year ago. Is there no one in Berkeley with enough cojones to just drag the losers out of the trees and arrest them?

Seriously, would you really feel bad doing that to people who call themselves Dumpster Muffin, RunningWolf, Mizzo, and Olive?

Some Berkeley official must be waiting for an embossed, written invitation before actually doing something. Taxpayers are getting their money's worth in Berkeley, that's for darn sure. Not.


  1. Anonymous8:03 PM

    What a joke! No one likes to cut down trees, but knowing Berkley they'll plant more and life will go on. But these tree people are nuts! They all need to get down from the damn trees and get a life! Who the hell has 19 months to devote to living in trees? It'll sure look good on their resumes...

  2. I wonder if the problem is the nature of the facility planned for the area? I am sure that if a gender studies or Lithuanian Pig Wrestling or perhaps Syrian Rope Dancing space were planned, the hue and cry would be less adamant. As it is, they are simply more of the same type of bozo (with all due respects to Mr. Harmon who died today)that populate so many of our liberal campuses and cities. Just another reason not to visit.

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    its unfortunate in a time like thi syou still try to find blame in the brave people that actually DO something in support of their ideology- not just blog about it. My ex-partner, Beth (aka "Horehound") DIED protecting old growth in Eagle Creek, OR and she was doing what was right- protecting the planet from idiots that can only think of so-called "progress" and not care about what many concerned people have to say and that have legitimate concerns with uncontrolled logging, and urban growth...especially something so bourgeois as an athletic facility.

  4. You have no idea what else I do besides blog.

    And doing *something* is not the same thing as doing something *smart* or doing something *intelligently*, and sitting in a tree is neither.

    While I sympathize with your loss, I find no honor in it.

  5. We had a bunch of tree-sitters back in Indiana (Mamacita and I talked about them when we met last winter). What I never could understand is why not just cut down the trees? One will go with the tree, and the others will scamper out. Same with those idiotic bicycle protests. Just floor the accelerator and take out five or six, and that would put a stop to it.

  6. Anonymous10:18 AM

    You can't just cut down the trees and let the tree-sitters fall where they may because this is a civilized society and you know it.

    It might be very satisfying to bring home to the self-indulgent eco-weenies that life does have consequences and that there's a price for trying to impose your views on others but they know, as well as do you, that the satisfaction isn't worth the cost and we won't cut down those trees with the spoiled children in them.

  7. Which is why I'd allow nothing up there but water, and when they're weak enough not to resist and cause anyone any danger, sent people up there to drag them down and arrest them.
