Monday, June 30, 2008

The Wheels On The Bus Won't Go Round And Round So Much

With fuel prices the way they are, you can imagine what school districts are thinking about busing kids to school.


  1. I have heard that many districts are appealing to state legislatures about extending the limits for bus service. This would cause more kids to have to risk their lives walking or riding bikes through congested traffic, or add to the congestion via massive carpool congestion. I think the answer is to charge a bus ridership fee. Maybe then kids would stop acting up on buses because there would be meaningful leverage with the parents. I also see a great deal of wasted time in the school day. How about we consolidate classes and meet from 8 to 5 Monday through Thursday? Less bus routes means less gas used. It also means 20% less electricity and water used during the week. Perhaps if we are really serious, we could move high school athletic events to day time hours, eliminating the need for stadium lights.

  2. You mean, go to school M-Th and have athletic events on Friday?

  3. Our district will be fighting this battle soon. For years the city hasn't required sidewalks so most of the city doesn't have them. As a result, we bus kids who probably should be walking to school except there isn't a sidewalk to walk on. Only this last year did the city council actually decide to require sidewalks in new developments.

  4. We have kids who live within three blocks of the school who get bus service. Parents are so paranoid about the idea of child molestors on every corner that these kids are literally prisoners of their parents' fears. I am not saying turn them loose, but kids at some point should have the ability to walk or ride their bikes in groups to school. Our kids are far too dependent on the work of others as it is, maybe having a little exercise and self-reliance before and after school would settle them down in class.
