Friday, June 20, 2008

Strrrrrrike! You're--ow!

Watch video of these high school baseball players who, upset with the umpire, appear to conspire to bean him with the ball--and this in the Georgia State High School Championship game.

The school was fined $1000, and the catcher has been told by his prospective college that he's not welcome on their team next year. The report doesn't say what, if anything, happened to the pitcher.


  1. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Hey Darren - looks like you have the same video link for this as you do for the bumper sticker story. Oops. Might want to check that out.

  2. I'll work on that. Thanks!

  3. Fixed. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. I would like to see some schools deny entry to kids who have a history of criminal activity, drugs and steroids as well. One students who was given a full ride to OSU, had been repeatedly sent up for sexual harassment. He was out of control and in my class, so disruptive that I had to get the coach to give him repeated "suicides" to calm him down. I heard last year, he's suspended from the college for drug use and sexual harassment. I am sure that there was some kid without these issues who would have loved a scholarship.
