Monday, June 30, 2008

San Francisco Schools Go After JROTC Students Now

I've written before about how San Francisco schools have attacked the JROTC program, which will be completely gone in schools next year. Now, though, they're going after the students by not giving them credit for the JROTC courses they've already taken.

Actually harming kids in order to push your political agenda? Shameful. But we expect that kind of scorched earth behavior from the lefties of San Francisco.


  1. Is that legal? I mean, if they give credit for cheerleading, drill team, athletics, home ec, student council or student aide and deny JROTC school credit, then they are guilty of discrimination. You know, I have heard San Francisco is beautiful, but I doubt I will ever want to go there because it appears to be the closest thing to a communist state that we have on our continent.

  2. Congress was remiss when they limited the Solomon Amendment to universities.

  3. Credit? As in something that counts towards final grades? You get those for cheerleading and cadet corps (as it is referred to here)?

  4. They can count towards physical education credit, if I read the story correctly.
