Thursday, June 19, 2008

Finally, The Pictures

You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Dr. King is represented by this statue in the Capitol.

I had hoped to run into Nancy Pelosi during my tour (note the stickers on my shirt, granting me admittance to the building). I wanted to ask her what she thought of her chances against Cindy Sheehan in the upcoming election :-)

This is the Supreme Court building. Like the House of Representatives chamber, no video or still pictures were allowed inside the courtroom itself--for "security" purposes, of course.

This is one of the buildings of the Library of Congress.

Your intrepid blogger hangs with Abe.

I'd never before been to the Korean War Memorial, so here are a few shots from it.

This picture is haunting.

And this one speaks for itself.

The Reflecting Pool (the Lincoln Memorial is behind me), the WWII Memorial, the Washington Monument, and the Capitol.

Two monuments to warriors in one picture.

The World War II Memorial.

These darned fences and barricades are everywhere in DC now, even this close to the Washington Monument.

I get so uplifted when I visit DC; sadly, knowledge of what goes on inside those impressive buildings is enough to bring me back to the real world.

Here are more pictures from last year's trip.


  1. So how did you like the weather on this trip? I'm assuming it's pretty much what we had, since we're only 200 miles north of there. Speaking of, I still have never been, unless you count flying into Dulles, or flying over on the way to Charleston.

  2. It was hot and muggy the first day or so, then came the rainstorm I mentioned in an earlier post, and it was pretty nice after that.

    It was sunny when I left for the airport, but we were stuck out on the tarmac at Reagan for several dozen minutes as another storm blew through.

  3. Those are great photos.

  4. Yesterday was the first day it got above 70 (73) for a week here. It's been in the 60s.

  5. Excellent! Especially liked the WWII photo - good thing you had the instruction manual with you. You are so "photo-sensical"!

  6. Thanks so much for posting the photos of the Korean War memorial and the WWII Memorial. I remember reading about the Korean War memorial when it was first installed and I've always wanted to see it. Your picture was wonderful. Even though we have relatives there, I don't get back often enough...everyone is always so busy. Maybe next year.

  7. WestPoint771:21 PM

    I especially like the photo of the Washington Monument reflected in the black walls of the Vietnam War Memorial.
