Friday, June 20, 2008

Does The Punishment Fit The Crime?

A student received 24 months of suspension, later reduced to 10 months, for giving his junior high Spanish teacher a noogie. Actually, it was for giving her two noogies in three days.

Is this punishment fair?



  1. A saturday school per noogie and call it even.

  2. Anonymous7:08 AM

    2 months of suspension? why don't they just call it expulsion for 2 years?

    probably because they don't want to seem harsh, by calling it what it is.

  3. A Saturday school per noogie, and have the teacher file charges for battery.

    It would be a battery charge, get it?

    Hahaha! Sometimes I slay myself.

  4. Anonymous12:09 PM

    That's inappropriate to do with a teacher.

  5. Anonymous4:30 PM

    so....student gets immediate 24 months suspension for a noogie....but teachers still get to teach for a while (sometimes) when they sleep with a student until after they've been tried

  6. I don't think so, Scott. I've never heard of an accused teacher who wasn't immediately put on leave pending an investigation, but I guess it *could* have happened somewhere.
