Friday, June 13, 2008

Boat Full Of Recent HS Graduates Sinks Off Cancun

A catamaran built to hold 80 sank off Cancun--it was carrying almost 200 recently graduated high school students on a snorkeling trip. This video shows an interview with two of those students, one of whom stayed behind after the crew bailed and helped with life jackets, untied life boats, and only jumped in himself when everyone was safely off and there were no more life jackets.

This young man (in the video) reports to West Point in a couple weeks.


  1. I think that a girl from Grand Prairie TX was killed when a rescue boat ran over her in the water. If it's the same incident, the captain wasn't certified for that boat, he lied about how many were on board to avoid taxes and he moved in too close to the coral reef, causing the boat to take on water. Two girls grabbed life vests and jumped in the water when it looked like the boat would capsize and one was killed. It's like I keep telling folks, you can't assume the same level of safety exists in other countries or that the officials give a darn. Sad story.

  2. Anonymous11:47 PM

    wow....i agree with ellen, and i have alot of respect for that gentleman

  3. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Those serving in our military are truly our best and brightest.

  4. Anonymous8:22 AM

    He's at USMAPS now (the prep school).
