Thursday, June 26, 2008

2nd Amendment Barely Survives

The 9th and 10th are already shot to heck (shot? get it?), but at least we still have the 2nd. Barely. Quoting ScotusBlog:

Answering a 127-year old constitutional question, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to have a gun, at least in one’s home. The Court, splitting 5-4, struck down a District of Columbia ban on handgun possession. Although times have changed since 1791, Justice Antonin Scalia said for the majority, “it is not the role of this Court to pronounce the Second Amendment extinct.”


  1. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Within minutes of the release of the decision the NRA filed a suit against a similarly draconian Chicago law.

  2. San Francisco is in their sights, too.

  3. Anonymous11:56 AM

    And, leave us not overlook that long-time champion of the Second Amendment, Barack Obama. He's been a forceful advocate of the Second Amendment for, oh, hours.

    Considering the number of people and positions that've been thrown under Obama's bus, the suspension must be getting a real workout.

  4. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Considering the number of people and positions that've been thrown under Obama's bus, the suspension must be getting a real workout.

    The secret step in throwing your pet projects under the bus is to make sure it's not moving... If he were really about change, these friends and policies of his would actually be in some danger. As it is, they're fine; and they'll crawl back out from under the bus a few months after he's elected.

    I'm glad that he's giving the rest of the U.S. a nice remedial lesson in Chicago politics -- it was time for a refresher course for those who didn't live in the shadow of the Daley machine.


  5. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Unbelievable. And then we wonder why Columbine happens...

  6. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is just the latest from our genius troll here at Right On The Left Coast.
