Sunday, May 25, 2008

This Punishment Doesn't Seem To Fit The Crime

A student rode a horse to school on the last day of class, parked it in a nearby pasture, and now won't be allowed to graduate. You'd almost have to think there's more to the story than that, wouldn't you? If not, then the first comment is undeniably true:

Just watching the videos, this Principal seems small-minded, prickly and vain; certainly his actions seem severe, and there was a pallor of malice to his on-air manner...He admits the boy presented no memorable issues prior to innocently riding his horse to school whereupon he somehow offended the center of the universe.


  1. That's pretty funny because I have a transfer student from a small rural town in West Texas and she said on the last day of school the senior boys drove their Dads' tractors and such to school. I betcha they didn't spend a lick of time in suspension and most of them will end up working the land. I hate it when city slickers move to country areas then get all uppity about what gets stuck to their boots.

  2. I don't know, there really does seem to be information missing.

    I can see the principal's decision being valid if the student rode up into the campus and made a big distracting scene or was otherwise irresponsible, but any information about the specifics of the problem was missing from the article.

  3. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Unless there is something major missing here--such as any indication that the student involved broke a specific school rule, broke the law, put anyone in danger, disrupted school, etc.--it's hard to see this as anything but sheer idiocy on the part of the principal.

    While being the principal of a school is a worthwhile and well-paid position that is worthy of deference (respect is earned by each individual), let's not lose sight of the fact that that, and a buck, will buy you coffee at any McDonald's in America. This gentleman apparently really needs to get over himself.
