Sunday, May 04, 2008

Teachers As Targets

This from the paradise that is Zimbabwe:

Educators have become targets in Zimbabwe's postelection violence, a teachers union said Sunday, threatening a nationwide strike unless the government stops the attacks...

Teachers have traditionally assisted in running elections. The Progressive Teachers Union said Sunday the violent campaign against them — respected figures in local communities — was meant to instill fear and prevent them from participating as polling officers in the runoff...

The union said more than 1,700 teachers have fled violence. It said its members were under attack across the country and urged teachers to withdraw from "politically volatile zones." It also said disruptions in schools threatened examinations scheduled in June in rural schools.

There's much more in the story.


  1. Teachers as targets, eh? Is there some kind of hatred against them or what?

  2. According to the story, teachers often work at the polls. No teachers, no elections--and Mugabe stays in power.

  3. That sounds like a problem. I think they should find more people to do the elections and polls rather than the teachers.

  4. A better solution would be not to harass *anyone* who works at the polls.

  5. When Mao took over China, the first to be incarcerated and killed were teachers. In our own country, trial lawyers avoid drafting teachers onto juries. Teachers are alternately worshiped and vilified in cultures according to the prevailing political winds of the day. While I hate some of the liberal spew that comes out of our universities, I wouldn't silence them. Unfortunately, they want to silence me. I think that speaks volumes.
