Saturday, May 17, 2008

Obama's An Ordinary Politician...

...with extraordinary oratory.

But what do you get (besides the heavy socialism) when you listen to what he says?

Here are the Obama rules in detail: He can’t be called a “liberal” (“the same names and labels they pin on everyone,” as Obama puts it); his toughness on the war on terror can’t be questioned (“attempts to play on our fears”); his extreme positions on social issues can’t be exposed (“the same efforts to distract us from the issues that affect our lives” and “turn us against each other”); and his Chicago background too is off-limits (“pouncing on every gaffe and association and fake controversy”). Besides that, it should be a freewheeling and spirited campaign...

We could take Obama’s rules in good faith if he never calls John McCain a “conservative” or labels him in any other way. If he never criticizes him for his association with George Bush. If he doesn’t jump on his gaffes (like McCain’s 100-years-in-Iraq comment that Obama distorted and harped on for weeks). And if he never says anything that would tend to make Americans fearful about the future or divide them (i.e., say things that some people agree with and others don’t).
And let's not forget that no one is allowed to say his middle name--no one but he himself, that is.

The man is nothing special. He's just an ordinary politician, and not even a very smart one.


  1. I have to say calling someone not smart undermines your objectivity and credibility. For the same reasons you listed, I say he is one of the smartest politicians out there. He's convinced tons of people that every perceived flaw he has is neither his fault nor something that should be mentioned and yet he gets away with bringing up other people's flaws without consequence.

  2. I'm curious how much of the population even knows Obama's middle name.

  3. Ronnie, I never claimed to be objective. I claim to be honest--my biases are well known here, and I calls 'em like I sees 'em.

  4. Darren-have you ever been to It's a very cool website when considering where candidates get their money and how it shapes legislation.

  5. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Do you you honestly think that there is no nasty reason behind the constant referal to Barack Obama's middle name? You REALLY think it is just coincidence that the guy with a a name that evokes bad thoughts in certain people is the only one who is constantly referred to by his middle name?

    If you DO think that, then you are not nearly as intelligent as therest of your blogging makes you seem.

  6. Constant?

    Except in reports where someone claims *someone* used his middle name, I haven't heard it in quite some time.

    But it shouldn't be off limits, either. Heck, people refer to our President by his middle *initial*.

  7. Don't forget, you can't criticize his wife either.

  8. Anonymous10:25 AM

    "But it shouldn't be off limits, either. Heck, people refer to our President by his middle *initial*."

    Because he's the second Bush... strangely enough....

  9. Anonymous12:32 PM

    > If you DO think that, then you are not nearly as intelligent as therest of your blogging makes you seem.

    Leftie alert! Leftie alert! Failure to pay proper obeisance to approved assumptions! Commencing implying stupidity!

    By the way, Obama's middle name isn't the only thing that's off limits. Pretty much everything about the guy is off limits if you accept his self-serving explanation. I don't.

    I think it's becoming daily clearer that Obama's a garden-variety leftie who's adept at finding ways to invoke greed, fear and conceit in service of his personal grasp at power.

  10. Interestingly enough, there are several reports that there is video footage of Mrs. Obama ranting about white oppression. I am sure that will play well in the South. Nothing like being level headed and even handed to placate the lower classes who can't even imagine having an Ivy League education.(And Al Gore still has that white horse rented....)

  11. Anonymous1:52 AM

    allen, I notice you dont address my actual point. Do YOU think that the continued references to Barack Obama's middle name have nothing to do with stoking xenophobia? Do YOU think that they have nothing to do with trying to continue the common meme that he is a Muslim? Do YOU think they have nothing to do with trying to establish a link with Saddam Hussein in voter's minds?
