Tuesday, May 20, 2008

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

It's a stupid rule, and the man was protecting a woman he worked with. I hope some decent person hires this decent man. Soon.

An act of bravery to defend a co-worker has cost a Minnesota gas-station attendant his job.

Mark Beverly, an overnight shift supervisor at a SuperAmerica in Roseville, Minn., was fired in March after he jumped on a masked robber who he believed was attacking a fellow employee.

In my book, this guy's a hero.


  1. Something happened in a similar vein at a fastfood place in our area. The man chased off the robber, but was fired for not "following company protocol." Never mind that the perp was armed to the teeth and loaded with three guns and was high on crack. I am sure he was a reasonable man and would have just left...yeah, right.

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    only in america can you rob a store, and yet LEGALLY get something out of it
