Saturday, May 03, 2008

Interspecies Animal Porn

Well, that title will certainly attract the wrong element to this blog. But what else do you call this?

An Antarctic fur seal has been observed trying to have sex with a king penguin.

And for the real pervos, there's a picture!

Hat tip to Instapundit.


  1. I know I have a twisted sense of humor, but I somehow doubt that this story would be a good topic for a discussion on proper moral behavior in your school. On the other hand, some schools and or teachers act in a way that leads me to believe they would use it in that manner.

  2. I wouldn't bring this up at school.

  3. Darrin, I didn't think you would, but you must admit that there are teachers and administrators who have shown less than perfect judgment. In fact, if you will look back through your posts, some of them are about people who are, as Red Skelton would put it, a few bricks shy of a full load and I wouldn't put anything past them.

  4. Anonymous2:22 AM

    I quote comic Dan Mintz. "I believe in the Native American belief that you should use every part of any animal you kill. So, the other day, I killed a polar bear. I used the jawbone to make a knife, and the rest of the animal to have sex with."

