Friday, April 18, 2008

Mitt Romney CAN Be Funny

I doubt he wrote these himself, but he still delivered them in a humorous fashion. His Top 10 Reasons Mitt Romney Left The Race is much funnier than Letterman's, and not as snarky.


  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I liked! I thought the best bits were the jabs at himself, rather than at others. Especially the Al Gore = Fat joke, I thought that was a bit cheap. But overall, a good sport.

  2. I probably laughed loudest at the Gore joke, but the self-directed ones were hilarious, too--except for the Osmonds one, which I still don't get.

  3. Ah, I didn't tie the Osmonds joke to the election itself, just to Mormonism. Now I get it.

    The reason I thought the Gore joke was funny was because you had to figure out it was Gore he was talking about. You're emphasizing the fat part--but when you put the fat, beard, and Nobel Prize together, the joke is greater than the sum of its parts.

  4. I liked the one where he broke his hair. That hair does look like some sort of homage to Devo.

  5. Anyone who can work "homage" into a quote on this blog gets the Award of the Day!
