Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Carnival of Education

This week's is at What It's Like on the Inside and includes my post about what freedoms teachers should have to do what they want on their own time.


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Darren (and everyone else),
    Long-time reader, first time poster. As a fellow California blogger, I thought I'd pass along an interesting education article.

    One of my fellow contributors to The 12 Angry Men Blog has an article up considering possible new teaching methods for students who are efficient at processing multiple information streams.

    Since a fair number of students have spent their youths working with multiple simultaneous streams ( multiple conversations, TV, homework ), they could probably work with multiple instructional streams, as well. This could allow a teacher to teach multiple topics, or multiple difficulty levels at the same time without a major loss of understanding from students.

    Since the readership here tends to be folks interested in the future (and present) of education, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts about this.


  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    The author nailed it with music instruction--musicians practice for hours to get the neuron growth, but they don't do it while texting or watching tv.

    Until it's shown that mastery can be achieved while multitasking instead of concentrating, I'm sticking with the tried and true method of concentrating.

  3. Anonymous7:32 PM

    You are right about people not knowing what a recession is. But isn't this what happens during election years, doom and gloom talk. Isn't it basically the liberal media, trying to get a liberal elected?
    And wouldn't you have to have a high percentage of unemployment to be consider a recession?
    I have never bought the idea of a recession, and I know that economies must correct from time to time.
    The only way to counter this is to teach our youth as part of their early math curriculum, the fundamental economic principles that make the USA the $14T jaugernaut economy that it is. For that matter, let's throw in some lessons on patriotism and civics, as well.
