Saturday, March 22, 2008

Our National Anthem

These girls are awesome--and the crowd was dignified enough not to start whooping and hollering immediately after "the land of the free".


  1. I know why no one made noise during singing, they were as mesmerized as I was at the performance. It brought tears to my eyes to hear the National Anthem sung with such respect, heart and beauty. I got the same feeling as Chris Matthews gets when he hears Obama speak. For a veteran, that was a great moment. Thanks for posting it.

  2. Because my older son played high school basketball, I've heard a lot of Star Spangled Banners. Some were quite good, others painfully bad.

    These girls were as good as any I've heard. As you said, awesome.

  3. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Do you have the national anthem at all school sports events in the US?

  4. The US is a pretty big place. I'm not really prepared to say yes, although I wish I could.

  5. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Very well then. Is the national anthem at school sports events, normal in your experience?

  6. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Hurrah! Then TV has not lied to me!

    Watching all the high school shows on TV, you see that sort of thing happen but I didnt really believe that people really watched school sports at all, let alone in the sort of numbers that would make a national anthem worthwhile.

  7. Anonymous5:28 PM


    How did you find this video?

  8. Don't remember. Might have been sent in an email, I might have seen a link to it elsewhere--I'm on the internet way too much!
