Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Electric Shock Collars To Control Students At School

I've often joked that students should wear electric shock collars at school. Teachers (or perhaps just a couple of us) would carry around remote controls. We could zap students in the hallways--you know why? Just because we could. It would be a wonderful improvement on student discipline at school.

I never dreamed anyone would take this idea seriously, but someone has--and they've extended it to aircraft security. If the video (which is a few years old) bores you, fast-forward to about 3:00 and then start watching it.

I have three questions. First, why wouldn't someone just take the shock bracelets off? Second, how would someone arm them in flight? And how would a crew zap only the right person?

Talk about dumb.

I still like the shock collars for school, though.



    Big Brother, much?

  2. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I can see hackers having some serious fun with these gadgets.

    And then there's the first time they stick it on a congressman or senator.

    And the first Youtube video about some crabby, little, old lady who a snotty flight attendant decides to use the gadget on. How about the inevitable story leaking out about the effort to suppress video/audio about the misuse of the gadgets?

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    i like the idea for high school students....especially when they go on field-trips to college campuses.....I HATE IMATURE HIGH SCHOOLERS WALKING AROUND SAC STATE CAUSING TROUBLE CAUSE THEY THINK THEY'RE TOUGH $H!t!

    ....just zap em

  4. Anonymous9:43 AM

    After 911, I always thought it would be a better idea to issue Tasers to everyone boarding the plane.

    I figure with 300 to 1 (or 3) odds, that any terrorist wouldn't have the chance to be successful.

    Most of my friends thought I was nuts, but with this article, I see the idea might be gaining acceptance?

  5. They already do this sort of thing at some institutions for the autistic. My own autistic son was locked in the closet by the public school on more than one occasion. We're homeschooling him now.

    This is a civil rights issue, honest to goodness. Throw in the fact that "education" is compulsory and you see how wrong this is.

    I honestly hope you were joking in the same way some moms joke about selling their kids to the highest bidder on bad days.

  6. Mrs. C, OF COURSE I was joking. That's why I said I was joking, and that's exactly what I tell students when I bounce this suggestion off of them. Not surprisingly, they don't like the idea too much--but they don't think I'm serious in the first place.

    KauaiMark, I *like* your suggestion.
