Sunday, March 09, 2008

An American Hero

From Yahoo News and the AP:

CAMP SALERNO, Afghanistan - A 19-year-old medic from Texas will become the first woman in Afghanistan and only the second female soldier since World War II to receive the Silver Star, the nation's third-highest medal for valor.

Army Spc. Monica Lin Brown saved the lives of fellow soldiers after a roadside bomb tore through a convoy of Humvees in the eastern Paktia province in April 2007, the military said.

After the explosion, which wounded five soldiers in her unit, Brown ran through insurgent gunfire and used her body to shield wounded comrades as mortars fell less than 100 yards away, the military said...

The military said Brown's "bravery, unselfish actions and medical aid rendered under fire saved the lives of her comrades and represents the finest traditions of heroism in combat."

An exceptional soldier.

Now, allow me a swipe at the AP. This is moderately shoddy reporting. Who, exactly, is "the military"? Who made these statements attributed to "the military"? Were they made by her commander? Were they on her Silver Star citation?

The AP should know to do better than this. In the past I've referred to the organization as al-AP, along with al-Reuters. This article does not change my view.


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Thank you for the article link.

    I showed it to my students today. At the time I had only female students in the class.

    I pointed out "she's just a little bit older than you."


  2. Airborne. Since 8/2/85 :-)
