Saturday, February 02, 2008

Your "Feel Good" Story For The Weekend

I was just at Blockbuster, acquiring some quality cinema, when the kid behind the counter asked if I used to teach math at such-and-such middle school. I did.

I didn't remember his face or name--in my defense, I haven't taught at that school in 5 years--but he remembered me. And he told me two things that really felt good to hear.

"You were one of my favorite teachers." What teacher doesn't want to hear that? Unfortunately, he followed that with, "I still failed your class, but...."

He also said, "One time I was in trouble in the office, and you talked to me. You told me that when you're at the bottom, the only way to go is up. I always remember that. When times are tough I remember that and I feel better."

Having an impact, one kid at a time. Feels good.


  1. Thank you for this feel good story. It's people like you that make a real difference in this world. Thank you for reminding me that among all the sad stories in the news that there are good people doing good things out there. :)

  2. That's a wonderful story.

  3. Good for you! Things like that keep us going. I have an encouragement file in the back of my desk. I put little notes or cards from students in there. Every so often when I feel like Its not worth it and I want to quit, I go back and reread that file. Encouragement is wonderful!

  4. I call mine the "rainy day folder", and it's in the cupboard behind my desk.

  5. It's the stories like that which keep us going. I had a student who moaned and complained and dragged her feet all the way through the art history project. I had her little sister last year and asked about her only to find she was a Georgia Tech majoring in Art History.

  6. I've noticed this, as well. There are those kids who aren't ready (for whatever reason) to learn at that time, but who picked up on the love and respect we had. Sometimes, I think that's as important as academic success to that child. Maybe they had to straighten out their attitude and emotiona state before they could learn.

    Who's to say? Maybe that non-academic lesson learned helps prepare them for life success. I know it did with me - and now I'm a teacher.
