Thursday, February 07, 2008

Teacher Killed

Israeli forces Thursday killed seven Palestinians, including a schoolteacher, in its campaign to stop daily rocket barrages from the Gaza Strip, and added a new economic pressure — cutting electricity by a symbolic 1 percent...

In one incident, an Israeli missile hit a field school, killing the teacher. An Associated Press Television News cameraman saw a rocket launcher near the school.

Will this teacher's students hold Hamas at fault, or the Israelis? What will their other teachers say?

Via Yahoo News and the AP.


  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    "Will this teacher's students hold Hamas at fault, or the Israelis?"

    This is a trick question, right?

    -Mark Roulo

  2. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Will this teacher's students hold Hamas at fault, or the Israelis?

    While the Palestinian definition of "democracy" is "one man, one rifle" the only people whose opinion's will matter are the members of the thugocracy.
