Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Frustration Of A Conservative

There are always going to be people who want to be told what to do. They need someone more powerful in charge and are fine with giving up whatever personal liberties they possess for a sense of security. How do the rest of us, who are perfectly frippin’ capable of providing our own sense of security, fight against that? There’s more sheep than there are wolves, that’s for damned sure, so how do we win? Do we all pack up and move to Montana? Buy up all the property we can get our hands on and secede? Limit immigration to those capable of demonstrating self-reliance and an IQ over 150?

How do we win?

I was with him until the 150 IQ part--but I certainly understand the sentiment.


  1. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Arbitrarily chosen number, I swear! :)

  2. It's a standard I don't meet.

  3. I feel his pain on this one. If I'm grandfathered in, I don't mind the 150 I.Q. :)

  4. I know some incredibly "smart" people who have absolutely no common sense. I think a demonstration of common sense is way more important than actual IQ.

  5. Have you ever talked to an engineer about anything outside of their limited field of expertise? I have friends who are engineers, and while they are brilliant in their own area, half the time their checkbooks are unbalanced and their shoes are untied. It is great to be smart, but if you never apply it in a meaningful way, it's just foma*. (Kurt Vonnegut reference.....)

  6. Should have put this thought in too. One of my kids was arguing about having to read. I told him, and I believe this, that in a culture those who can read, write and comprehend will by and large be in charge of those who cannot. If you look at modern society, it holds true. But you don't have to be smart to read and write. You simply have to be open to new ideas.
