Friday, January 25, 2008

Green, But With A Big Black Smear

From Environmental Republican:

There are tons of inconsistencies in the environmental movement such as plugging an electric car into an outlet that connects to the grid where the electricity is supplied by coal-burning, greenhouse gas emitting power plants or driving a Prius that leaves a larger carbon footprint than a Hummer.
This one beats them all however....

To summarize, a Santa Clara (California) County District Attorney is going after a couple because their trees are blocking a neighbor's solar panels.

Their redwood trees. And those don't grow overnight. (The San Jose Mercury News has the full story.)

The comments to that post so far are outstanding. Here are two examples:

The enviros are getting sucked into this trap of hypocrisy and contradiction because they "act locally" in order to be self-righteous, and actually don't *objectively* "think globally" about their actions' complete contexts/costs.

Either because its too hard, or it gets in the way of feeling good (and superior).

Yep, and this:

Oh, and anyone who still thinks environmentalists are about the environment and not about being elite hasn't been paying attention. No nukes, no windfarms, no solutions are good enough. Contradictions are gonna result.

As they say inconsistencies are the hobgoblin of little minds, and the elites do not worry about such things.

So which do you support? Redwood trees, or solar panels?


  1. Redwoods '08! I do believe that the redwood trees were a lot longer ago than those solar panels. Whoever placed the solar panels should have done a little more location research.

  2. You got sequoia on my solar panel! No, you got solar panel on my sequoia! Two great tastes that taste great together ...

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    This reminds me of "Endangered species A is eating endangered species B" ... :-)

    -Mark Roulo

  4. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I just love it when various flavors of lefties start taking hunks out of each other.

    I was disappointed a couple of years ago when the anti-whaling crowd didn't take as much of a beating as I'd hoped from the race baiters over the Washington state Indian tribe that started whaling again.

    Still, the spectacle of a bunch of wailing whale-lovers doing everything they could to interfere with the exercise of the blessed traditions of the noble red man was gratifying.

  5. I guess that's what you get when you pair blind allegiance with ideology. It's worse than just those examples. The mercury in swirly bulbs is just a small incursion. Imagine what will happen when all of those lead loaded batteries from all those green and highly subsidized hybrids start hitting the landfills. They are six times the size of conventional batteries, and even the manufacturers aren't sure on whether their materials can be salvaged and recycles. To top that, the push for cars running on hydrogen has firefighters and EMT's extremely concerned because of the increased possibility of flashfires and higher fatalities. That would mean higher insurance rates down the line. But take the comparatively safe choice of nuclear energy and the envirowhacks go back and view old movies for their facts. And all the while Gore is leading the charge.

  6. I'll take the redwoods, too, but one commenter is confused about the quote from Emerson--it's "Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds," and another example of why I despise Emerson's pontifical aphorisms.

  7. I understand there's been considerable litigation in Germany on windmill #1 cutting off the wind for windmill #2. This is bound to happen here as wind power expands.

  8. On a little different note which we touched on a little during class time, I mean time that could not have been spent any better than the way we spent it, the Aptera Type 1 Hybrid is not worth the money according to
    this blogger.

    I personally would have more faith in his Japanese compact if he told us an approximation of the miles to the gallon he gets so that his calculations could be checked. Not that he couldn't just lie but he would certainly be doing a better job of getting me to side with his point.

    Also of note, this from the comments:
    I look forward to the day when horseriding as a form of transport make a comeback. That whole cowboy chic is very appealing, Brokeback Mountain notwithstanding.
    Proving your point that there are some Americans that want us to regress to a Middle Age society.

    Just some interesting points.

    -Lord Floppington

  9. I propose that you can only have a windmill if you agree to milk your own cows and wear wooden shoes.

  10. Isn't "Foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" what Emerson actually said? Kind of a big difference. After all, is consistently refraining from murder really a hobgobliny bugaboo of the small-minded?

    Furthermore, is the fact the people quote him incorrectly sufficient grounds for us to despise Emerson's aphorisms?

    Despise seems rather hard to me, but Emerson would defend Babbie's perogative to "Speak what you think now in hard words, and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict everything you said today."
